Hypervox is a WebGL, voxel-based game project that has the broader goal of gamifying game development tools. I noticed certian parts of game development could be streamlined and turned into games themselves. With this project, I aim to blur the lines between making and playing games.
Play Demo
FrameGame is a game project that me and a creative peer of mine made that is a subtle yet significant spin on “Pictionary” or “Telestrations”. The game is currently available on Steam.
Project Page
The graphic design program from which I graduated, had solo shows for senior students. I was given the opportunity to have one on my own terms. I decided I was going to use the show as an opportunity to learn as much as I could in one semester about the full cycle mobile game development.
Project Page
Fish Fighter is a Virtual Reality (VR) project me and two of my colleagues worked on as a passion project. We were able to create a fun mini-game for the HTC Vive as well as exercise our skills with 3D modeling, digital painting, programming, audio production, and game design.
Fish Fighter Homepage
This is a game project I started as my participation in a month-long game jam with the goal being to showcase progress for each day of the month.
Itch.io Page
Game Jail is a web interface I use to store some of the games I make. Since a number of them are HTML5 games, I figured it would be appropriate to create an HTML project browser for them.
Game Jail Homepage
More projects to come!